Projects Refined, Work Simplified.

A Big Reason Why Projects Fail

Too often companies, tired of seeing projects fail, decide to purchase and implement a project management software expecting this will solve their projects’ delivery problem altogether. Truth is, a tool by itself is by no means the solution to an existing problem, it is only a part of it. What these companies are most likely lacking Read more about A Big Reason Why Projects Fail[…]

Be Mindful of Scope Creep

How many times have we wondered toward the end of our deadline how and when a particular change was accepted? How many times have customers felt dejected because of getting a product which they never asked for? This is not the fault of the client or the project team, the project manager, but this is what a Read more about Be Mindful of Scope Creep[…]

Microsoft Project Quick Tip: Right Click on the Select All Button to Change Tables

Last month I blogged about my old friend, the right-mouse button. In that blog post, I discussed the many locations in the Microsoft Project user interface where you can right-click and use a shortcut menu to access a feature. Today I want to show you more about my favorite right-clicking trick. This is the trick I have Read more about Microsoft Project Quick Tip: Right Click on the Select All Button to Change Tables[…]

Create a Connection to Project Web App from Project Professional

In this video I explain how to create a connection from Microsoft Project Professional to a Project Server / Project Online environment.  Although this video uses Project Professional 2013, if your using Project Professional 2010 / Project Server 2010 the instructions are exactly the same.  However; you cannot connect to a Project Server 2010 environment from Project Read more about Create a Connection to Project Web App from Project Professional[…]

Manually Scheduled vs Auto Scheduled – Part Two

Changing Existing Tasks In the part one of this blog I explained the major difference between Manually Scheduled and Auto Scheduled tasks. With tasks that have already been entered, it is still possible to switch over from Manually Scheduled to Auto Scheduled. One of the ways is by selecting the desired task and clicking on the Read more about Manually Scheduled vs Auto Scheduled – Part Two[…]

Using Alternate Cost Rates for Resources

Using Cost Rate Tables Mickey Cobb is a project team member for projects in the DaleCo organization. As a project team member, she can work in three different roles, and each role carries a different cost rate. You can see her roles and cost rates in the following table.  Role  Cost Rate  Support (Help Desk) Read more about Using Alternate Cost Rates for Resources[…]

Switching Project Server Security Mode – Detailed Instructions

Recently, I’ve had to explain to various clients how to turn on Project Server’s Security Mode after they upgraded to Project Server 2013. In the 2013 release Microsoft decided to move the security settings for Project Server up to the SharePoint site, which means that the access permissions would be controlled at the SharePoint level. Read more about Switching Project Server Security Mode – Detailed Instructions[…]

How To Get A List Of All Your Custom Fields

Have you ever wanted to know how many Custom fields you have in your system, when they were created or what is the data type of each one? You can get a full list of all the Custom fields that you have in the system using a simple query as shown below. The query will call Read more about How To Get A List Of All Your Custom Fields[…]