Status Reports: Form of Communication 2

Last month, I mentioned that communication is one of the biggest factors that can make or break your project and  your career.  Did you ponder on this? To many, status reports are tedious and annoying, but to a true project manager, status reports are a great contribution to the success of a project.  Status reports serve as your record of Read more about Status Reports: Form of Communication 2[…]

Elapsed Days in Microsoft Project

Here is a quick blog to introduce Microsoft Project users to a quick and easy tip when dealing with task durations and elapsed days. In Microsoft Project it is possible to model duration in terms of ‘elapsed’ days. Elapsed days are used when a task’s duration needs to disregard any ‘nonworking time’ or resource constraints. Read more about Elapsed Days in Microsoft Project[…]

Doctors in Project Management Tools

Over the past few months I’ve been at one of our client’s site and have been in an Analyst role. I was tasked with helping resolve various issues users have been facing while using Microsoft Project Server 2010 as well as Microsoft Project Professional 2010. It has been a tremendous learning experience of figuring out Read more about Doctors in Project Management Tools[…]

Inactive Tasks in Microsoft Project 2010 vs. Project 2013

I was sitting in one of Tom Henry’s training classes earlier this week when a new feature of Microsoft Project 2013 was noticed. When making a task inactive in Project 2010 the task was automatically shot back to the project start date. You would then have to add an additional predecessor to the next task Read more about Inactive Tasks in Microsoft Project 2010 vs. Project 2013[…]

Status Reports: Form of Communication 1

When managing a project, one of the most important things to do is establish communication.  Communication is one of the biggest factors that can make or break your project and your project management career.  While a project can have many risks and issues affecting it, a project still has the potential of closing successfully.  However, if Read more about Status Reports: Form of Communication 1[…]

Baby Steps to a Successful PPM Implementation

I have been working in the Project and Portfolio Management realm for a number of years now. Over the years I have seen clients run projects in numerous industries ranging from Financial Institutions in London to Oil & Gas Companies in Houston. I have seen many failed implementations where people have hired a bunch of Read more about Baby Steps to a Successful PPM Implementation[…]

Capturing Project Data Snapshot with Nintex Workflow

One of the common requirements of many organizations is take a snapshot of the project data during the lifecycle of a project, at a certain approval point. This data can then be used for many purposes as to develop reports like Current Vs. Actual, Trend Analysis, Lessons learned analysis and so on. I decided in Read more about Capturing Project Data Snapshot with Nintex Workflow[…]

Locking Custom Fields on PDP in Project server 2013 using jQuery

Sometimes in Project Server we have a requirement to make a custom field read only after a value was provided. A good example will be changing a project a custom Project ID field after approval. Now, if you have a Workflow implemented in Project Server, this will be controlled by the workflow. However, in our Read more about Locking Custom Fields on PDP in Project server 2013 using jQuery[…]