Key Steps Every Company Should Know When Launching a PMO (Part 6)

We are now coming close to the end of the process of establishing a PMO within a company. The first five stages of this process in this series, I discussed the following:

  1. Planning the Transition
  2. Creating a PMO Governance
  3. Identifying and Developing Project Managers
  4. Creating a Project Methodology
  5. Creating a Resource Management Process

Stage 6 – Create a Stakeholder management Process

Now on to the next stage, Creating a Stakeholder Management Process. The concept of stakeholder management has been around for some time, but recently has been set apart as an independent core competency in many project management organizations.

When I am engaged in a project, the Stakeholder Management Process I like to use is to:

  1. Identify Stakeholders – First part is to identify and map stakeholders within the organization and to identify any potential issues.
  2. Prioritize Stakeholders – Once the stakeholders are identified, prioritizing these stakeholders will be the next step to set project objectives.
  3. Plan Engagement – By planning the stakeholder engagement, project risks focused around the stakeholder will be minimized. Ensure the method of progress is captured so it can be later reviewed.
  4. Manage Stakeholders – Now that the engagement plan is set, ensure a consistent review of the process and follow up activities as well as the capture of learning items for future use.
  5. Measure Performance – This should be an ongoing piece of the process that gives visibility to not only the project team, but also the entire company.
  6. Continuous Improvement – With a constant review process in place, the Stakeholder Management Process can be refined to adapt to the company’s changing environment.

With the Stakeholder Management Process in place, it is now time to focus on the last stage of the implementation of your PMO, creating a Portfolio Management Strategy.


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